‘Sex is not only a physical activity, but an experience’ says Dr. Dehriya, Proctologist at Genesis, Indore. It is very important to have sex, as it gives you a lot other than the much talked about “Sexual Satisfaction”. It definitely gives you pleasure, but apart from that it also keeps you healthy and fit.
Here, we are going to list 5 extraordinary benefits of having an active sex life.
Gives you a Healthier Immune System:
People with an active sex life are less likely to fall sick as they possess a healthier immune system than those who don’t. It’s a fact based on many researches around the world. Sex is the key to a healthy life, as long as it is risk-free.
Improves brain functioning:
Researchers have found that frequent intercourse is correlated with better cognitive function and new brain cell growth in rats. A human study in 2018 showed that adults having sex on a regular basis have a better memory performance.
A great exercise:
Sex works as a great exercise by burning about five calories per minute (50 pushups in a minute will burn about 7-8 calories). Various muscles are used during sex, bumping up your heart’s beating rate. That’s how it works as a great exercise and you should do more of it to stay fit.
Makes you look younger:
Studies have shown that having ‘pleasureable sex’ can make you look upto 7 years younger. Anti-inflammatory molecules such as Oxytocin and Beta Endorphins are released during sex which makes you look younger by bathing your skin.
Works as a Fertility booster:
Your chances of conceiving will increase if you have an active sex life because having sex on a regular basis will boost your fertility rate by keeping your sperm fresh and making it better. Sex also helps keep a woman’s hormones balanced, and her periods, regulated.
Sex also:
#helps in fighting cough and cold
#increases life expectancy
#prevents heart attack
#makes you attractive.